Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Happy mother day :')

Huftt.. feel so bore now waiting alone with no entertaining one hour again for my flight to Makassar.. so, I think its better to write something  spending all this time.. ahahaha

It’s 22nd December, and you know what its mean.. yupsss.. its mother day..
Feeling so sad cause I almost forget this day.. yesterday, I talked with my friend and she said that “tomorrow is mother day”.. I became shock, tomorrow (mean today) is mother day and tomorrow I’ll return home,, ( so confuse seeing my grammar, sok2an pke English tp gak ngerti.. wkwkwk biarin ahh… lanjuttttt :D)

Then I planned to make some surprise for my mom.. but, I have no idea, no time again and the worst is I have no MONEY.. wuahhhh T.T

Wednesday afternoon, after had full class, I had a promised with sanchez to go to bintaro plasa, we had a secret project.. wkwkwkwk. Than after the project finished, I looked for something that maybe can be a gift for my mom.. but because sanchez had a small grup meeting, we must soonly back. Yeah, short time and there no something accept my budget.. wuahhh T.T

Then I choosed to buy a card.. so sad seeing the price T.T.. wuahhh,, only a card but the price can be 100.000, ckckck.. Yeah, after  found a card that accept my budget, we return kosan.. Then I thought, what if I ask for my sister to collect our money together, but she didn’t answer my phone.. huhuhu so sad T.T Hufftt,, for mother day, may I just can gift a card, so sorry mom I can’t give you something precious.. huhuhu

But nowww,, you know, I DON’T BRING THAT CARD!!!! WUAHHHHH T.T
Feel so sad,,, so so so so so sad T.T

What I can do now is just saying happy mother day, I love u so much mom… :*

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