Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011


Gratification. I believe that almost all of Indonesian people often heard about this word. We often heard this word in newspaper, television, and other public media services that many Indonesian people always get many information from. But do you know what is the meaning of this word? Maybe you think that this is not a serious problem and doesn’t break the rule. This is just an ordinary thing which doesn’t seem to have some serious effects. Whereas if we observe further about this problem, we will realize that this problem will make our country get so many disadvantages.

Before we describe much more about this kind of problem, first thing we have to do is understanding the meaning of gratification itself. Gratification is a gift given by someone because of hidden interest. This kind of gratification can be shown in many forms. The examples are giving some luxurious things, much money, and et cetera. There are many various motives or reason of why some people do this thing which violate the rule that has been set by the government to create much cleaner working environment and its attitude.

One of the reasons we can explain why people gratify their bosses is to earn a high carrier because of the good image they seem to show. By giving some gifts or money to their bosses, they can automatically be the golden employer; hence, they will get the higher position in their office much faster than any other workers. Another reason is to make a case solved faster by bribing the police, judges, and another law apparatus that have important role in the process of solving a case. And the newest reason that appears to be revealed by the police is the tax pending payment that was done by some great business company in this country.

Well, we will explain more about some gratification in the real birocration that happened in our society. The newest case that has been revealed is about Gayus Tambunan’s case.This case began with three suspections for Gayus Tambunan.These are corruption, money laundring and money embazzling,but finally from those three suspections, just one of them that can be proven by the police, meanwhile the other judgement can’t be proven well.Slowly,the truth can be revealed.Gayus Tambunan’s case not only involved himself, because apparently there were so many people that is included in his case.The people that is included in this case come from various Indonesia’ institution. They are from police institution,law institution and bussinessmen. This case became so popular and emerged in many public media, such as in television, radio, newspaper and etc.Everyday Indonesian people served by this embarassing news.Almost all of Indonesian people know about this case.Everybody knows about Gayus.Everybody knows about the bad culture that happened in “Direktorat Jenderal Pajak”.This bad attitude of Gayus not only violate the good image of Gayus himself, but also his graduate,State College of Accounting.Most of people think that State Colllege of Accounting just able to create graduate who have corruption mental and habit.Whereas, many STAN graduate that have good carrier and working in normal way (without corruption), but they also feel the effect. And the other institution that get worst image is Direktorat Jenderal Pajak.

Another booming case which is broke our birocracy is tax pending payment which is done by some big bussiness companies.One of the example is Aburizal Bakrie’s case.Do you know about that?Recently, it has been known that some of Bakrie’s company didn’t pay their tax well. They often postponed their obligation in paying their tax. Because of that, by the time this case is revealed apparently the accumulation of their tax obligation saved in big amount.the nominal is approximately 1 triliun rupiahs.

But gratification is not only happened in the great company or in the ministry. It might happen also in the even the lowest element of the governement like RT. When we are going to make Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) for instance. If we want to get it faster, we could pay more to the officer if we do not want to wait any longer.

Grafitication actually happened because of the moral crisis Indonesia suffered. We don’t want Indonesia is being known by it’s corruption or something. We want this beloved country could make some steps ahead to make this country better. That’s why from now on we are as the youngster should keep or even gain our integrity. And firstly first, we have to start this from ourselves like always try to be honest anytime and anywhere. We are as the collegian, the student, the agent of change in this country should start this first.

So, from the explanations that we’ve had above, we absolutely think that gratification is not such a good thing to do, especially for the future birocrate leader like us. We are told to obey to our leaders and respect them as we should be. Gratification is like a humiliation to us, as if we don’t respect anyone who leads us. When we enter the working world after graduating from college, we will start from the most bottom of the carrier ladder. We also think that gratification doesn’t reflect us as the anti-corruption and nepotism generation. If we do that when we enter the working place, all the lessons we had learnt from elementary school, middle school, high school will go to waste. We had wasted all the years and all the things we need to study well.

We hope, as the next generation to fill in the birocracy, we must fight against gratification and its forms, whatever the condition will be, and whatever comes to our life. We must prove that we are the best and the bright generation, and we are ready to fight against gratification, not only by words, but also by attitudes.

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