Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

my story 2

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Hi friend…
Now, I will tell you my story again. The story was about my experience when I join the Mathematic Olympiad that created by the Group of the University Students of UMPAR (Universities Muhammadiyah Parepare) in Parewisata Hotel in 31 November – 1 December 2008.
When my teacher, Mr. H. Yasin, told me that I would be one of the candidate of the team from smansha, I felt really happy because they still give me a chance to prove my skill. I promised that I will do the best for this Olympiad.
But, actually I felt confused because we all knows that the Olympiad test is different with all the subject that we ever got in the school. And, I just have one week to study. Moreover, I also had to managed my time to face the exam in the school and for all the prepared of Christmas in the school, because I was the secretary of this Christmas Party. But, I just give all my problem to God. I believe that He always give a way for His child.
When the Olympiad was held, I really surprised with the rules of this Olympiad. This Olympiad had three season. In the first season, I thought that a team had to work together, but its different in this Olympiad. In the first season, we got a choice test. To pass this season, every student in a team had to competite with the other student in a same team. I really give up caused I had a little chance. My partner is k’Nurmiaty and Muh.Hidayatullah were a good student too. I was angry to the committee of this Olympiad becaused the rules was not deal. But, the committee couldn’t change the rules. Then I just give all to my God. When do the test , I felt very happy because I always see that test. When the committee announced twenty names of the contestant who pass this first season, I really grateful to God because I was in the first rank. Thanks God ! But, actually I felt regret because I had showed a bad attitude with angry to the committee. I had showed that I’m the best in this season, but I can’t showed that I had a good attitude. I was too emotion and I can’t control it. I had studied hard for this Olympiad. Please forgive me God.

Then in the second season, I felt a little afraid because I don’t had a friend, only me the candidate from smansha. Moreover, there was no teacher accompany me in this Olympiad. But, I tried to be confident and give all to God. In this season we had to do a test with role from one jury table to another jury table in a 5 minutes. Praise to God in this season I also can be in the first rank from six student. The student who passed this season, got a facility from the hotel, that we can stayed for one night in this hotel. Moreover in 9 p.m there was technical meeting about the third season for tomorrow. But, I didn’t spend my night in the hotel because my parents were out of city and there no one would keep my brothers and sister. So, after arrived at home at 6.30 p.m, in 8.30 p.m I backed to hotel.
When the committee explained the rules of the third season, I really confused. The third season was spilt in to three season again. In the first season, we had to explain a test in front of the jury for about ten minutes with OHP. Oh my God!!! I didn’t know how to use it. Then in the second season called see a clue season. In this season, committee would give us a clue about mathematic and we had to answer it. I also confused with this season because I didn’t know all the scientist and all their theory in mathematic. And the last season was a smart and accurate season.
After the technical meeting end, I directly went to internet café to find information about the scientist and their theory. Actually, I felt afraid caused I was alone girl in the dark night. But, I always back to Jesus who always give me His power. I arrived home about 10.30 p.m. Then, I couldn’t study again because all my power was disappear.
In the morning after. The third season held. I felt very sad for this Olympiad because there’s no my friend, my parents, even my teacher accompanied me. When all the candidate discuss with their teacher, I was alone. But, I always tried to be strong because I never alone. My God always be with me and accompany me forever. In the first season actually mt teacher Mr. H.Yasin came, but before my turn end, he backed. In this season, I was relief because I was the last candidate to represent a test. Before my turn, I really afraid caused from 5 candidate who perform before me, only two candidate could represented their test, and their test was not finish. Before my turn, I prayed to God to give me a way to do that test. In my turn, Oh my God!!! The test is difficult, but I just tried to do that and reprented it in front of the jury with OHP. Actually, there no difficult to used it. When the committee announced the result, I really surprised because my value was the most high. Thanks God….
Then in see a clue season, in the first question I answer, my value was loss because my answer was wrong. It made me a little afraid and more careful to answer. In this season, I just in the second place. But, it not make me give up. In the third season, I was fight with rely on God power and all the best for me. Praised to God, I could be in the first place.
Then we were took a rest. While waiting for the announced, we all the candidate, interacted each other. I felt very happy because I got many new friends again, and they not an ordinary friend. They were a great friend for me. When the committee had finished to calculated all the value in the third season, they announced the result. And a lot of praised to God, that I can be the winner of this Olympiad. Thanks God.. I know, with you I can do everything impossible… Thanks God.
Oiy.. Here I show you the all the champions named :
I. Winda Sri Warnita Simangunsong ( SMAN.1 PAREPARE)
II. Rezky (SMAN.1 BARRU)
IV. Masyuri Permedi (SMAN.5 PAREPARE)
V. Fahrul Islam (SMAN.3 PAREPARE)

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