Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

general knowledge

Hi frends…
Here I show you some generals knowledge in a question and answer.
I know it still too little, but I hope you can enjoy it…
God Bless You…

Mengapa bibir kita berwarna merah?
Bibir merupakan sebuah lapisan kulit yang tipis dan tembus pandang, sehingga kita dapat melihat pembuluh darah yang ada di bawahnya. Jadi, warna bibir semua orang adalah merah. Namun, pada penderita anemia yang kekurangan darah, memiliki bibir agak pucat, hal ini disebabkan sirkulasi darahnya tidak begitu baik. Ketika kekurangan oksigen atau dalam keadaan dingin, bibir akan berwarna keunguan. Selain itu, ketika badan sedang demam, bibri akan berubah menjadi merah gelap. Jadi melalui bibir, kita dapat mengetahui keadaan kesehatan seseorang.

Mengapa pangkal kuku kita seperti bulan sabit putih?
Kuku jari tangan dan jari kaki tidak akan berhenti tumbuh selam manusia itu hidup. Hal ini disebabkan adanya bulan sabit putih di pangkal kuku yang terus membelah karena belum menjadi zat tanduk. Jadi, jika tubuh kita sehat, kecepatan pertumbuhan kuku juga akan lebih cepat, bulan sabit dipangkalnya juga akan semakin besar. Sebenarnya kuku adalah jaringan kulit yang telah mengeras. Kuku tidak hanya dapat melindungi jari tangan dan jari kaki, tetapi juga dapat menambah kepekaan dan rabaan. Pangkal kuku jari tangan bisa memecah sel dan membuat kuku tumbuh sepanjang 0,1-0,5mm tiap harinya.

Mengapa rambut laki-laki mudah botak?
Penyebab utama kebotakan adalah pengaruh dari gen keturunan, sedangkan kehadiran gen tersebut dipengaruhi oleh dihasilkannya hormon laki-laki. Karenanya, penderita kebotakan pada laki-laki lebih banyak daripada perempuan (di dalam tubuh perempuan juga menghasilkan sedikit hormon laki-laki). Selain itu, strees, banyaknya tekanan atau kebiasaan makan dan minum serta faktor-faktor lainnya jugamemengaruhi pertumbuhan dan kesehatan rambut. Apabila sangat parah, dapat mengakibatkan gejala kebotakan.

Mengapa bisa tumbuh uban?
Setiap orang rata-rata memiliki 100ribu helai rambut. Karena metabolisme tubuh, setiap hari rambut kita akan rontok secara alami sebanyak 100 helai lebih dan tumbuhlah rambut baru. Warna rambut berasal dari sel pigmen warna rambut yang dihasilkan pigmen hitam. Saat usia semakin tua, sel tadi juga akan semakin tua. Pigmen yang dihasilkan juga akan makin sedikit dan mucullah uban.

Bagaimana cara menghilangkan bau sepatu?
Arang dapat mengubah sifat asam dari suatu benda menjadi basa, sebab utamanya adalah karena 60% arang terdiri dari alkali. Alkali bisa meningkatkan keaktifan dan memurnikan udara sehingga dapat membunuh kuman dan membantu mejaga kesehatan tubuh. Sedangkan, tembaga bisa mengontrol pertumbuhan kuman. Maka jika uang logam dan arang disatukan, kemudian dimasukkan kedalam sepatu, cara ini dapat menghilangkan bau tak sedap.

Bagaimana cara membedahkan telur matang dan telur mentah?
Caranya sangat mudah. Kita hanya perlu memutar telr itu seperti memutar gasing. Karena sudah padat, telur yang sudah direbus akan sangat mudah berputar. Sebaliknya, karena bagian dalamnya masih bentuk cair, telur yang masih mentah akan terus-menerus bergerak sehingga sulit berputar dengan seimbang.
Apakah tikus memakan sabun?
Indra penciuman tikus sangat peka.Melalui penciumannya, ia bisa membedakan apakah suatu benda bias dimakan atau tidak. Terkadang kita bisa melihat tikus memakan sabun. Ini karena tikus sangat suka dengan sabun yang terbuat dari minyak kelapa atau minyak nabati lainnya. Jadi, tidak semua sabun bisa dimakan tikus. Sabun yang digunakan untuk mencuci baju dan mengandung campuran berbahaya tidak akan dimakan tikus.

Bagaimana cara menghilangkan noda minyak di baju?
Jika baju kita terkena noda minyak, sangat sulit untuk menghilangkannya dengan cara biasa. Tapi sebenarnya hanya dengan menggunakan setrika, kita dapat menghilangkannya dengan mudah. Terlebih dahulu letakkan kertas serap minyak atau kapas di tempat yang terkena noda minyak. Lalu setrikalah dengan temperature rendah sampai panas. Noda minyakpun akan secara alami berpindahke permukaan kapas.

Apakah kita harus minum oba dengan air putih?
Setiap jenis obat mempunyai sifat khususnya masing-masing. Jadi selain air putih, memakai minuman lain untuk minum obat bisa menurunkan khasiat obat. Contohnya didalam obat anemia terkandung zat besi. Bila diminum dengan teh, zat ‘tein’ yang dikandung teh dapat menghambat penyerapan zat besi oleh tubuh. Kola dan bir juga menghambat penyerapan tubuh terhadap obat. Karena itulah, jika minum obat lebih aman jika menggunakan air putih.

Bagaimana cara menghilangkan noda permen karet di baju?
Tidak perlu menusuk-nusuk dengan korek atau mencungkil-cungkil permen karet yang menempel di baju. Cukup gunakan kandungan permen karet untuk mengatasinya. Bahan utama karet adalah campuran karet. Sifat khasnya yaitu akan meleleh jika terkena panas. Oleh sebabitu, kita hanya perlu menaruh kertas Koran dan memanaskannya dengan setrika. Itu karena panas dari setrika dapat memlelehkan permen karet dan membuatnya menempel pada koran. Selain itu, dapat juga dengan cara menempelkan es batu pada permen karet yang menempel. Setelah peren karet membeku dan mengeras, kita dapat dengan mudah melepaskannya.

Bagaimana cara membersihkan coretan krayon?
Jika noda krayon mengotori tembok, akan sulit membersihkannya hanya dengan air. Meskipun bias menggunakan pelarut untuk menghapusnya, sebenarnya ada cara lain yang lebih ampuh. Gunakan kain lembut yang telah dioleskan pasta gigi, atau langsung oleskan pasta gigi pada noda krayon di tembok , kemudian gosok pelan-pelan. Cara ini tidak hanya bisa membersihkan, tapi juga tidak akan merusak permukaan benda.

my story 1

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]
Hi friends….
I want to tell you my experience when I joined OSN(National Sains Olympiad) 2008. In the first, before OSN for the city area was held, all of the student were taught by the teacher consist of what subject they choosed. Actually I didn’t know what subject will I choose cause there are eight subject we can choose for OSN, There are math, physic, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geosains, computer and economic. My math, physic, chemistry, biology, and computer teacher recommend me to choose that Olympiad … I really confused what subject will I choose cause I really like all that subject, moreover I didn’t want to make my teacher disappoint.
But, actually I really like math. I had a confident to take it, but then I was afraid becaused there are ten students join this training, five students from XI grade and five from X grade. For the Olympiad may be only five student would joined it. I almost give up, caused I thought that the students from the XI grade had a big chance to join it. But, I give confident to my self that I can do it. I always pray to God to give me a chance to join this Olympiad although only the fifth candidate from smansha.

Praise to God, When OSN for the city area was held, I can be one of the candidate from smansha. I really happy and grateful to God.. Thanks God!! .. But not only that, when I did the task, the question was too difficult… Honestly I hope I can pass from the city area caused I always dream that one day I can join the International Olympiad. So, I can make my parents, teacher, friends, and Lord Jesus proud on me.
A month after the test, I heard from my teacher in primagama that the announcement of the Olympiad was announced, and he said that I didn’t pass it…When heard that, my heart really broke. I can’t sleep in the night and just cried… I pray to God to give me his strength, caused I really disappoint with this. I tried to believe that there a God plans in every tears which fall out my eyes.
But, you know… the next day my friend give me a congratulation caused I passed the Olympiad. I don’t believe it!! I really surprise… N that’s true!! That I pass this Olympiad… I really grateful to Jesus and I’m felt a big regret because I had a little angry to him… Actually his love was too big for me, that he will never broke his promise… And because of that I always love him…
Every day I managed my time to study for the Olympiad and for the exam in school. Of course I didn’t want to loose any value caused I also want to join PMJK.. But 2 weeks before OSN, I got an accident. I was very sad caused I can’t study well. Morever 3 days after the Olympiad there an exam in the school. I just pray to God to give me his strength. And praised to God I still can join the Olympiad in the province area although I didn’t really recovered. I didn’t hope to much becaused I admit that I had a little prepared, moreover I just had an accident and I also had to managed my time for the exam in the school. But, altought I didn’t pass to the national area, I had a big grateful becaused God’s love really happen in my life. From the school area, city area, until the province area, if not God blessing work on me, may be all would not be a reality. I had proud to my self becaused I’m still in X grade when it happened. I still can try it this year. Morever now I’m in XI grade, so, I have more prepared for the Olympiad. If you read my blog, I hope you give me a pray, so I can make my dream come true. But, if this year I still can’t to prove it, I will not be sad because I have experience this, that not all people can’t feel it. Thanks God for everything… I’ll always love you and will never leave you because you’re my everything…

my story 2

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]

Hi friend…
Now, I will tell you my story again. The story was about my experience when I join the Mathematic Olympiad that created by the Group of the University Students of UMPAR (Universities Muhammadiyah Parepare) in Parewisata Hotel in 31 November – 1 December 2008.
When my teacher, Mr. H. Yasin, told me that I would be one of the candidate of the team from smansha, I felt really happy because they still give me a chance to prove my skill. I promised that I will do the best for this Olympiad.
But, actually I felt confused because we all knows that the Olympiad test is different with all the subject that we ever got in the school. And, I just have one week to study. Moreover, I also had to managed my time to face the exam in the school and for all the prepared of Christmas in the school, because I was the secretary of this Christmas Party. But, I just give all my problem to God. I believe that He always give a way for His child.
When the Olympiad was held, I really surprised with the rules of this Olympiad. This Olympiad had three season. In the first season, I thought that a team had to work together, but its different in this Olympiad. In the first season, we got a choice test. To pass this season, every student in a team had to competite with the other student in a same team. I really give up caused I had a little chance. My partner is k’Nurmiaty and Muh.Hidayatullah were a good student too. I was angry to the committee of this Olympiad becaused the rules was not deal. But, the committee couldn’t change the rules. Then I just give all to my God. When do the test , I felt very happy because I always see that test. When the committee announced twenty names of the contestant who pass this first season, I really grateful to God because I was in the first rank. Thanks God ! But, actually I felt regret because I had showed a bad attitude with angry to the committee. I had showed that I’m the best in this season, but I can’t showed that I had a good attitude. I was too emotion and I can’t control it. I had studied hard for this Olympiad. Please forgive me God.

Then in the second season, I felt a little afraid because I don’t had a friend, only me the candidate from smansha. Moreover, there was no teacher accompany me in this Olympiad. But, I tried to be confident and give all to God. In this season we had to do a test with role from one jury table to another jury table in a 5 minutes. Praise to God in this season I also can be in the first rank from six student. The student who passed this season, got a facility from the hotel, that we can stayed for one night in this hotel. Moreover in 9 p.m there was technical meeting about the third season for tomorrow. But, I didn’t spend my night in the hotel because my parents were out of city and there no one would keep my brothers and sister. So, after arrived at home at 6.30 p.m, in 8.30 p.m I backed to hotel.
When the committee explained the rules of the third season, I really confused. The third season was spilt in to three season again. In the first season, we had to explain a test in front of the jury for about ten minutes with OHP. Oh my God!!! I didn’t know how to use it. Then in the second season called see a clue season. In this season, committee would give us a clue about mathematic and we had to answer it. I also confused with this season because I didn’t know all the scientist and all their theory in mathematic. And the last season was a smart and accurate season.
After the technical meeting end, I directly went to internet café to find information about the scientist and their theory. Actually, I felt afraid caused I was alone girl in the dark night. But, I always back to Jesus who always give me His power. I arrived home about 10.30 p.m. Then, I couldn’t study again because all my power was disappear.
In the morning after. The third season held. I felt very sad for this Olympiad because there’s no my friend, my parents, even my teacher accompanied me. When all the candidate discuss with their teacher, I was alone. But, I always tried to be strong because I never alone. My God always be with me and accompany me forever. In the first season actually mt teacher Mr. H.Yasin came, but before my turn end, he backed. In this season, I was relief because I was the last candidate to represent a test. Before my turn, I really afraid caused from 5 candidate who perform before me, only two candidate could represented their test, and their test was not finish. Before my turn, I prayed to God to give me a way to do that test. In my turn, Oh my God!!! The test is difficult, but I just tried to do that and reprented it in front of the jury with OHP. Actually, there no difficult to used it. When the committee announced the result, I really surprised because my value was the most high. Thanks God….
Then in see a clue season, in the first question I answer, my value was loss because my answer was wrong. It made me a little afraid and more careful to answer. In this season, I just in the second place. But, it not make me give up. In the third season, I was fight with rely on God power and all the best for me. Praised to God, I could be in the first place.
Then we were took a rest. While waiting for the announced, we all the candidate, interacted each other. I felt very happy because I got many new friends again, and they not an ordinary friend. They were a great friend for me. When the committee had finished to calculated all the value in the third season, they announced the result. And a lot of praised to God, that I can be the winner of this Olympiad. Thanks God.. I know, with you I can do everything impossible… Thanks God.
Oiy.. Here I show you the all the champions named :
I. Winda Sri Warnita Simangunsong ( SMAN.1 PAREPARE)
II. Rezky (SMAN.1 BARRU)
IV. Masyuri Permedi (SMAN.5 PAREPARE)
V. Fahrul Islam (SMAN.3 PAREPARE)

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

my story.. hohoo

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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]

Hay hay hay…. Welcome to my story again. I hope you didn’t bore to red it again. Now I would like to tell you my story when I join the test for National Olympiad Training. It’s a hard test for me becaused if I couldn’t pass this test, my dream to join the National Mathematic Olympiad for this year would dissapper. Moreover, automaticly I would be ashamed if I couldn’t pass it becaused last year I can passed until the provincial area and I just won the Mathematic Olympiad that made by UMPAR. The test held in 6 December 2008. Not only students join his test all of the teacher also join this test. The test for the teacher was on 5 December 2008.
Actually, in 5 December, we all the chirstian students in Parepare made a Chirstmas Party, and for you know I was the secretary for this even. But, becaused of the Olympiad in Parewisata Hotel , this olympiad test and for all the exam in school, I didn’t follow many meeting, even the prepared on 5 December afternoon. I really regret for this. I wasn’t a responsible people, and I didn’t know why I could do this? Why I couldn’t give my little time for Jesus after all His bless on me? After all His love for me? I didn’t know why I could be a bad people… When the Chirstmas party held, I just cried in my chair. I just pray to God to forgive me. I felt many mistakes. I remember the Chirstmas party last year, I remember my spirit in the first meeting for this chirstmas. But, when all the committee perform in the stage,

I just still in my chair. With all of my regret. But, I praised to God because the party held succesfully, even more than I thought before. Forgive me God…
The day after when the test held, I felt a little afraid because only me the student from smansha would test in SMAN.5 PAREPARE. Most of my friend test in SMAN.4, SMA PGRI, or SMPN.10. When in smaeli, I felt happy becaused I met with all my senior from smaeli who joined the OSN last year. I also met with my friends there. When do the test, Oh my God!!! The test was too dificult, and our test was a same test for the teacher. I felt really give up. I want to cry in the test room. I really sad because I thought that this a God punishment for me because I was too egoist. I just still in my chair. With all of my regret. But, I praised to God because the party held succesfully, even more than I thought before. Forgive me God…
The day after when the test held, I felt a little afraid because only me the student from smansha would test in SMAN.5 PAREPARE. Most of my friend test in SMAN.4, SMA PGRI, or SMPN.10. When in smaeli, I felt happy becaused I met with all my senior from smaeli who joined the OSN last year. I also met with my friends there. When do the test, Oh my God!!! The test was too dificult, and our test was a same test for the teacher. I felt really give up. I want to cry in the test room. I really sad because I thought that this a God punishment for me because I was too egoist.

When the test end, I backed home and almost lost because actually I seldom through this way. But, praised to God, I could arrived at home. In home, I just cried and pray. I asked the wisdom from God, to see the positive side of this even. May be, its not my way to join OSN again. To believe that there will be the other thing I don’t know what, that God prepared for me. I was hopeless because I now that there no a chance for me again because I had made a mistake to God. Moreover, a month later my friends in smaeli, told me that I didn’t pass this olympiad.
But, when I was in hopeless, God gave me His power. I didn’t believe that I passed this test and I was in the third place. WOW! I really surprised. A lot of thanks for God, that He never leave me although I leave him, although I forgot him. His bless always real in my life whatever my condition, whatever, whenever, and wherever I am. Thanks God for everything. I promised that I will not dissapoint You again, That I will always do the best for You. Thanks for all Your real Love for me…

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