Rabu, 30 November 2011

welcome december ^^

wuiihh,, detik detik jelang desember.. yei.. yei.. yeii :D
you know what's on my mind.. guess it!!
yeah!! you are right !! ^^.. it's christmas time..
and I love christmas so much.. just wanna say it.. ahahhaaha
hope this december I can met a very very big santa N he'll bring me a lotttttt of gift...
and I hope it's include happy, joy, hope, peace, bla bla bla...
*I know santa knows me so well.. give me surprise ea.. ahahha *naughty eye ^_-

Senin, 28 November 2011


Pernah kau merasa merasa benar2 hancur dan tak ada yg percaya??
Berharap seandainy waktu dpat kembali atau biarkan semua ini cepat berlalu..
Ntah apa yg terasa, sedih, suka, senang, menyesal, bagaimana menggambarkanny??
Tidak dapat d samakan, mengertiLah.. masing masing berbeda..
Hanya ingin kau mengerti..
Dan sekarang kembali, hanya bisa belajar pada waktu..
Waktu berjalan searah jarum jam, Namun taukah kamu kalau bumi berotasi berlawanan dengan arah jarum jam??
Dan kecenderungan kita ketika berlari adalah berlawanan dengan arah jarum jam..
Langkah mengikuti bumi, namun waktu sebaliknya..
Mana yang harus kau pilih??
Banyak hal yg tak dapat d mengerti.. biarLah waktu berjalan sebagaimana adanya dirinya..
Biarlah semua mngalir sperti apa adanya, namun tetap bumi akan berotasi melawan arah waktu..
Ntah waktu atokah bumi yang slah, kembali belajar padaNya
Dan pergunakanlah waktu yang ada, karena hari hari adalah jahat (Ef 5:16)

Kamis, 24 November 2011

A letter for girls

Dear Girls,

There are two kinds of men: Godly men, and worldly men.
What kind of man do you want?
I’m betting most of you said “a Godly man.”
Someday, you want to marry a man who loves God with every fiber of his being
because he will be an excellent husband and father.
He will honor and be true only to you.
Most women want a Godly man or at least think they do.
Well, I think I have found a way to tell you exactly what kind of guy you will get.
I don’t even have to know you! All I have to do is look at you.
The kind of guy you want or will get is advertised by the clothing you wear.
I know what men want. Trust me, I am a guy. I know more guys than you do and I know them better.
I know what we think, what we talk about, what we want, and what we look for,
and it is different for each one of us depending on our relationship with God.
I’m sure you already know this, but men were created differently than you.
We have different desires and priorities.
Our eyes and minds react very differently to some things than yours do.
It isn’t disgusting, perverted, or wrong; it is wonderful and good!
It is how God made us. It’s how we handle these differences that separate a Godly man from a worldly man.

A worldly man doesn’t control himself, rather, he looks at anything that attracts his attention or gets him excited. A worldly guy has no problem when girls wear clothes that show off skin, like boxers, high or low-cut shirts, low-rise jeans, and “cute” little swim-suits.
He’s a fan of tight-fitting shirts and pants that show off your form, he thinks they’re fine!
Worldly guy watches a lot of TV and R-rated movies, isn’t really offended by sexual content or nudity and secretly dabbles in pornography. He’s a “Christian” and makes up a significant portion of your church and youth group. He’s a really nice guy and sees you mainly for your body.
If you were to marry worldly guy, he’d bring lots of baggage into the relationship, have intimacy problems, entertain thoughts of other women, and possibly cheat on you.

A Godly man is in control of his drives and desires.
He constantly seeks God and reads his Bible.
He “walks in the Spirit” and isn’t set off by everything he sees.
When immodestly-dressed girls, magazine covers, or risqué advertisements come into view, Godly guy quickly “bounces his eyes” away from the image.
He’s constantly guarding his thoughts and what he allows into his mind.
He hates being around girls that disrespect him and his struggles by wearing inappropriate attire.
Godly guy doesn’t watch much TV and is selective about the movies he sees.
He views you as a person, knows you and respects you.
He has your best interests in mind and guards against inappropriate thoughts of you.
If you were to marry Godly guy, he would give you the emotional attention you need,
he would ignore other women and remain faithful to you no matter what.

Unfortunately, there are more worldly men than Godly men.
And to make matters worse, to the untrained eye, a worldly man can look a lot like a Godly man.
So what can you do to only attract a Godly man?
An important way of delineating between them lies in how you dress.
As mentioned before, the clothes you wear advertise what kind of guy you are looking for.
If you dress immodestly, you will attract worldly guys and scare away the Godly ones.
It all comes down to the kind of man you want to spend your time around and eventually marry.
You cannot afford to be complacent in this area of your life!
You will pay the price someday.

This issue isn’t limited strictly to you and your future relationship.
The way you dress directly affects other men and women and their relationships.
You don’t see the struggles, the pain, the tears and the sin that you cause, but I can promise that you would be shocked if you did!
Ask any Christian young man; we’ve all seen it. It’s kept hidden but it is definitely there.
By dressing immodestly, you effectually spit on the struggles of our weaker ranks, appearing to care more about toying with us than helping us.
You’ll never know how many broken relationships and lifestyles of sin you’ve contributed to simply by the way you dress.
You want to marry a Godly man someday, well so do many other women.
Don’t just help yourself and your future, help all women and their relationships by showing discretion in your dress.

Of course, I understand the desire to look stylish, attractive, and “cute.”
It’s important to fit in and get attention. Trust me, it can be done modestly!
I also understand that it is easier for some girls to find stylish and well-fitting clothes than it is for others.
This is an area where guys really don’t understand what you are up against.
But just remember, for every sacrifice you make to honor God with your image, Godly men are making sacrifices in their lives that are just as hard, if not harder!
They will and do respect you so much for choosing to be modest!
A real lady is conscientious of the image she presents, and real men want a real lady.
And you can forget about any guys missing out on how attractive you are because you don’t wear revealing clothing.
You could wear a circus tent and we would still know; it’s a gift we have.

And so the question still remains:
What kind of man do you want?
Answer me with your clothes.

copas from http://mikeloveslia.blogspot.com/2011/08/letter-for-girls.html

Jumat, 11 November 2011

no entry -_-

Gue lagi mikir ni,, knp sih ilmuwan ato org2 terkenal lainny itu kebanyakan cwo c?? bahkan ampe tokoh2 alkitab tuh banyakan cwo.. Yusuf, Daud, daniel, Samuel, Gideon, Einsten, Newton, Edison, Sukarno, Menteri2, Diponogoro, Presiden bahkan smpe anak2 d STAN ni mesti banyakan cwo?? Ahahahha

Iya c ada Ruth, Debora, Lidya, Marie Curie, Bunda Theresa, Oprah, Kartini and also ada Winda juga,, ahahahahha… tapi pasti jumlahny dikit…

Padahal khan klo d pkir, d skolahan itu musti bnyakan cwe,, gak dink,, d dunia ni bnyakan cwe dr cwony.. N mereka g kalah tuh dalam hal intelegensi, prestasi n kreatifitas.. Bahkan ampe universitas pun biasanya cwe lebih unggul dari cwo.. Tapi anehnya d dunia kerja ni gak terjadi. Kenapa?? Selidik demi selidik, ternyta it Karena rata2 setelah nikah, cwe2 tuh lebih memfokuskan diri untuk jadi seorang istri dan ibu yg baik..

So,, kalo ternyta dlm sejarah dunia bhkan smpe alkitab pun lebih bnyak nama2 cwo, bukan brarti cwe it gak bnyak berperan.. Klo cwe g berperan, sp yg jdi ibu?? toh asalny ilmuwan2 hebat dan tokoh2 alkitab it dari ibu.. IbuLah yg hebat bisa mlahirkan anak2 sperti meraka.. Jadi jgn pernah mnganggap rendah cwe !!

Akhh,, ngomongin ibu jdi kangen berat ama mama.. Pengen bnget d peluk ama mama.. 

Aku salut ama mama yg wlaupun dah kerja capek, tapi msih mo ngurusin anak2ny yg bandel ini..
Emank c, wkt kecil pke pembantu, tapi sjak SMP udah g lagi koq, kta mama klo punya anak gadis malu pke pembantu..
Tapi kenyataan, y anak2ny masih males2 n manja2 juga.. akhirnya mama sendirian yg kerja.. Mama sndiri yg bngun subuh2 buat masak, nyuci, ngepel, semua mama yg lakuin..

Ampe ankny remaja juga gitu, aq gak kebayang aja skr btapa berdosany aku membiarkan mama bkerja sndrian… Kalo mama lagi mo nyuruh nglakuin sesuatu, aq sering bnget pura2 ambil buku trus blg “lgi bljar ma”.. Klo udah itu alsanny, pasti mama ngerjain sndri.. Mama tuh orangny sabarrr bnget, bisa hidup dengan anak2 yg bandel n malas2 d tmbah suami yg tukang marah.. ahahaha *peace bpak ^_^

Pantesan klo d bandingin ama teman2ny, mama tuh yg pling tua, pdahal mama yg pling muda.. mama 19 tahun udah nikah, jdi mama tuh sbnernya masihhh muda bnget.. tpi krn ada kami, y iniLah hidup mama.. Kapan y mama bahagia?? Mama maafin Winda jdi anak yg jahat T.T

Waktu kecil Winda cengeng banget (*skr jg masih c.. ahahaha), apa2 mesti cepet bnget nangisny, mama selalu peluk, d nyanyiin lagu2.. mama aku kangen..

Tapi smnjak SMA tuh gak lagi, klo aku nangis pasti d biarin ama mama,, malah d marah2in, ktany aq lebay bnget nangisny, cengeng banget.. Mama gak mo peluk lagi, kata mama “Anak gadis mama harus kuat, gak boleh cengeng, mama gak suka orang cengeng, anak mama kuat”. Aku kadang berpikir mama tuh orangny gak romantis banget sih, aku kadang sebel ama mama, orang sedih koq g dihibur, eh malah d marah2in.. Tapi sebenerny gak c, kemren aja nginjek paku, akuny biasa2 aja, mama yg ampe lebay tiap 5 menit nelpon, “kamu gmn nak? Bla bla bla bla”.. Bsoknya tiap 3 kali shari sms/nelpon “obatnya udah nak?”.. y ituLah cinta dan kasih itu tidak mesti sllu dgan kata2 pujian, pelukan yg hangat, kado yg banyak, dsb.. Tapi dari hal2 kecil, sperti nasehat, doa dan bhkan teguran adalah kasih. Baru nyadar skr stelah mnjalani khidupan sbgai anak kosan, mama tuh dah mikirin semuany dengan baik.. Mulai dr kecil ampe skrg mama dah mkirin smua buat aku..

Mama nanti klo Winda dah terima gaji k-2 qt jalan2 yok, shopping, k salon, dll.. Tapi sbnerny mama orgnya sederhana bnget c,, dia jrang make up, pakean pun biasa2 aja.. Ampe HP, saat smua temennya udah punya HP, mama gak.. skr mah punya HP juga itu HP winda yg lama, sempat rusak tapi d benerin ama mama.. Mama gak suka hidup cuman untuk gaya, dia lebih milih uangny buat anak2nya…

Akhh,, mama Winda is d bestLah.. udah sabar, sederhana, kuat, tangguh, semua yg baik deh buat mama… Suatu hari nanti klo Winda dah jadi emak emak, berharap Winda bs kayak Mama.. Semoga nama yg diberikan ama mama bs bner2 jadi ama Winda, Pkokny Winda (Wanita yang Indah).. Wanita yg indah itu kuat, gak cengeng, gak suka galau, pkoknya is d bestLah buat WarNiTa (edWARt dan abNI # ta.nya aku tambhin sndri deh drpda cman plengkap, jdinya cinTA, jdi hasil cinta edwart dan abni.. ahahaha, lebay bnget.. :D)..

Semangat Winda, jgn suka cengeng, jgn suka galauu.. :D

Ni post tadiny mo bahas mslah cwe khan?? koq jdi k mama ampe Winda c?? hmm hmm dasar.. G***U ahahahaha.. UdahLah klo dah ngetik d biarin ngalir aja emosiny,,, hohohoho

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Met Idul Adha ^^

Mungkin BEBAN salahku sudah berjuta NEWTON
Walau kita terpisah, tapi tetap ada GRAVITASI khusus diantara kita
Tetap ada GELOMBANG ELEKTROMAGNETIK yang menghubungkan kita

Terkadang ada GAYA GESEK yang menimbulkan KALOR diantara kita dan
Kadang MUATAN yang berbeda antara kita menghasilkan BEDA POTENSIAL yang menimpulkan percikan API

Ku harap SATUAN JARAK tak menghalangi ARUS maaf dariku
Moga kita tetap dalam MEDAN MAGNET-Nya dan kita bisa BEROTASI dan BEREVOLUSI dlm orbit bulan
Selamat Idul Adha, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin ~_~

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